
In 2005, I co-founded Mindfulhealth LLP (www.mindfulhealth.co.uk), which provides courses, consultancy, supervision and teacher training in partnership with the local NHS Trust. Over the last 7 years, I been a lecturer at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP at Bangor University) on their Mindfulness Masters Programme. I have helped develop clinical use of mindfulness with the local CAMHs service and worked extensively with carers in the community. I’ve also worked in a hospital setting within a Child Development Centre using MBCT and MBSR with the parents/carers of children with complex needs. Before that, I was spiritual director of the Brighton Buddhist Centre and before that an acting headmaster in a local Sussex primary school.


  • MSc (Psychology)
  • BSc (hons)
  • Dip Ed
  • FdSc (counselling)

Teaching Training Specialisms:

  • MBCT
  • MBSR

Personal Practice:

I have had three (+) decades of regular daily mindfulness practice and retreats.

Research Activities and Interests:

  • MBCT for Life
  • Learning difficulties in children and young people


‘The eye of the storm’: NHS staff well being MBCT feasibility study: The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (2014).